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The project has ended in February 2023. For the follow-up initiative, visit NGI Transoceanic.

Food Data Marketplace - Privacy and Trust Enabling Data Marketplace for Sustainable Supply Chains

Trace Labs

Kakaxi Inc.

Functioning in the direction of releasing FDM innovation in supply chains around the world, Trace Labs has partnered with Kakaxi, an American company aiming to improve data collection with upstream supply chain partners by releasing solar-powered IoT tools equipped with a range of sensing units to capture pictures and also data on metrics consisting of temperature level, moisture, solar radiation, and also rain gauge. Kakaxi is likewise one of the victors of the Trace Alliance's open telephone call (a comprehensive center within the OriginTrail Ecological Community) and has handled to effectively connect their item to the OriginTrail Decentralized Network.

This EU-US collaboration will result in the development of brand-new methods of incentivizing data capture in international supply chains by using a decentralized information marketplace and an organization design to guarantee sustainability. The beyond-state-of-the-art privacy-enabling technology will contribute to the development of a more reasonable and inclusive data economy in EU and United States agrifood supply chains. Trace Labs and Kakaxi are likewise proud to announce that their joint option has actually been supported by the NGI Atlantic initiative, which is moneyed by the European Commission and whose primary objective for the NGI Atlantic project is to bridge EU-US research on the Next Generation Web. Trace Labs and Kakaxi are preparing to kick-off the NGI Atlantic project on the 1st of December. In the following 6 months of the task's execution, we will see at least 3 supply chains internationally gaining from the implementation of Kakaxi devices on the field and their information being monetized utilizing the FDM.

The 30-months project will push the Next Generation Internet a step further by providing cascade funding to EU-based researchers and innovators in carrying out Next Generation Internet related experiments in collaboration with US research teams.

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