The central scope of is to bridge EU-US research on Next Generation Internet
From January 2020 through June 2022, will push the Next Generation Internet a step further by funding EU-based researchers and innovators in carrying out Next Generation Internet related experiments, in collaboration with US research teams.
Thanks to’s funding for open calls dedicated to EU-US teams working together on NGI experiments, it is expected that the EU-US collaborations will move from workshops mode to a significant increase in the transatlantic cooperation activities that have either already started in the FIRE, ICE-T and NGI programmes or new ones that will receive significant acceleration from the Open Calls provided in features

5 Open Calls
Watch this space for the priority topics that will be selected and the full call text!
Check our Open Calls

2.8 Million Euros funding
To European organisations to carry out high-quality R&I experiments on NGI EU/US experimental platforms

NGI Experiments to be funded
3- to 6-month collaboration projects involving European and US-based organisations, each project with a funding range from 25k€ to 150k€
Browse the Experiment Catalogue

The External Advisory Group (EAG)
The EAG is composed of EU&US experts from different areas, such as academic institutions, business associations, industries and SMEs.This group supports our activities and helps us defining the project's priorities reflected in the open calls.

The External Pool of Evaluators (EPE)
The EPE ensuring independence and fairness of the proposals’ selection process watch this space if you are interested in becoming an External Evaluator for the calls!
Learn more

The Twinning Lab
A service for researchers, innovators and start-ups to discover and connect with suitable transatlantic actors and establish complementary EU-US partnerships in addressing NGI challenges across a number of topics
Visit the Lab
Who’s behind is led by 3 European and 2 American partners with complementary skills and expertise:
Waterford Institute of Technology (Coordinator, Ireland) - coordinator: Jim Clarke
Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) is a university-level institution with over 10,000 students and 1000 staff. The Telecommunications Software and Systems Group (TSSG) is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for ICT research and innovation founded in 1996 at the Waterford Institute of Technology. Since then, it has expanded from telecommunications network management to include next generation internet, trust and security, autonomics, privacy preserving data mining and social computing, big data analytics, amongst others.
Trust-IT (Italy) -
Founded in 2002, Trust-IT’s central asset is a highly-skilled, dynamic, international team SME that performs quality ICT market research and result-oriented stakeholder communication and engagement strategies. it also develops software tools and services working closely with SMEs, government and research institutions.
EURESCOM (Germany) -
Eurescom – European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications GmbH – is the leading private organisation for collaborative R&D in European telecommunications. For its members, the European Union, and other customers, Eurescom performs multinational research projects on networks, services, applications and further aspects of telecommunications.
Rutgers University (USA) -
RUTGERS is a coordinating partner of the COSMOS project, which is one of the two wireless platform projects funded by the US National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program. The aim of PAWR is to enable experimental exploration of robust new wireless devices that will revolutionize the nation’s wireless ecosystem while sustaining US leadership and economic competitiveness for decades to come.
University of Utah (USA) -
The University of Utah was one of the original four nodes of ARPANET, the world's first packet- switching computer network and embryo of the current worldwide Internet. University of Utah, in partnership with Salt Lake City, and the Utah Education and Telehealth Network, is the coordinator of the NSF funded Platform for Open Wireless Data-driven Experimental Research (POWDER). is a Research & Innovation Initiative in the field of Next Generation Internet, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement no. 871582)
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