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The project has ended in February 2023. For the follow-up initiative, visit NGI Transoceanic.

Food Data Marketplace

Project Coordinator (EU) :

Trace Labs (Prospeh d.o.o.)

Country of the EU Coordinator :


Organisation Type :


Project participants :

Personnel from the EU team involved:

Jurij Škornik (Project Manager) - Jurij is in charge of operations within Prospeh d.o.o. working  with partners such as BSI and will lead the project management as well as engagement efforts with key stakeholders deploying the project.

Branimir Rakić (System Architect) - Branimir led successful implementations of OriginTrail technology and is the core architect of the FDM solution.

Djordje Kovačević (Engineering Lead) - Djordje is an experienced software developer with several years of experience in developing identity-based solutions (eID) and is leading the tech team and solution deployment.

Stevan Nešović (Applications Developer) - Stevan is the lead application developer in Prospeh, focusing his efforts on the development of applications, particularly its API infrastructure to support integration features with external systems.

Miloš Kotlar Miloš (Protocols Developer) - Miloš is predominantly developing privacy solutions within the Prospeh team. He’s particularly involved in the development of OriginTrail infrastructure, focusing on the p2p network implementation and communication protocols and linked data.

Irena Čuturić (Designer) - Irena has been designing user experiences in the field of blockchain-based applications since 2016 and has experience with user-centric tools, agile product development, graphic design, sports and events photography, videography and 3D animation. Irena will be focusing on seamless UX of the FDM.

Ana Bevc Ana (Community manager) - is experienced with managing relationships with different communities both European and global. She is an active participant in NGI workshops for human-centric design. For FDM, Ana facilitates communications within the teams as well as leads the dissemination activities in the last phase of the project.

Personnel from the US team involved:

Adam Smith (Project manager) - Adam is an experienced technology entrepreneur and product marketer focused on developing ways technology can improve agriculture around the world. Led product development from conceptualization to prototype & mass production. Adam leads the engagement efforts with key stakeholders deploying the project.

Taizo Otsuka (System architect) - Taizo founded 14 businesses from a biotech company to a professional basketball team. Taizo also ensures alignment of unified offering of FDM and Kakaxi devices and relays critical information to the Kakaxi development team.

State of US partner :


Starting date :

Food Data Marketplace - Privacy and Trust Enabling Data Marketplace for Sustainable Supply Chains

Experiment description

FDM is targeting the challenge of decentralised data governance by permitting farmers and food companies to keep control of their data, valorise it and also offer it for purchase. The best feasable control and data sovereignty is gained with:

  • Data privacy - unified approach using private storage with user-controlled permissioned access control and public networks (depending on the requirements of the data).
  • Data integrity - datasets kept privately or on a public network, all have verifiable integrity using immutable cryptographic fingerprints published on a public blockchain.
  • Data interoperability - supporting multiple open data standards to ensure interoperability with existing IT systems.
  • Data interconnectivity - a single knowledge graph automatically connecting relevant data stored on public networks and/or privately. Linked data approach makes data discovery much easier by authorised participants.


FDM achieves these key characteristics by utilising existing infrastructure piloted in the NGI LEDGER programme (achieving TRL7):

  • Network Operating System (nOS) - a web-based platform that helps farmers and food companies seamlessly take part in the data economy by enabling streamlined system integration with existing IT systems, data structuring and data publishing to FDM open-source infrastructure.
  • OriginTrail Decentralised Network (ODN) - as a data exchange layer, the open-source ODN is used to exchange, discover, validate and interconnect relevant datasets utilising a knowledge graph. ODN as a public network is, together with blockchain, used as a data integrity layer.
  • Data marketplace smart contracts - truly trustless management of relationship between marketplace participants with smart contracts deployed on Ethereum mainnet.


Implementation plan :

Phase 1: Use case definitions

In the first phase of the project, the two partners will further the alignment of both solutions towards making Kakaxi devices “FDM enabled” and enable them to push data securely to the OriginTrail node.

Phase 2: Experiment deployment

In the second period, we will implement the solution with industry partners. Each experiment starts with the data - identifying which data is relevant for sharing, defining data access controls, deciding on the best data models and assisting with valorizing data.

Phase 2: Experiment deployment

Equipped with learnings, we will create a product iteration and aggressively showcase results of the implementations. The goal of the dissemination is to share results and attract additional interested clients. Our activities will include a webinar, which should result in at least 100 business contacts with regards to the joint solution.

Impacts :

Impact 1: Enhanced EU – US cooperation in Next Generation Internet, including policy cooperation.

The impacts the project will bring on EU-US collaboration are to be created in the following domains:

● Proliferation of privacy and trust enhancing technologies
● Dissemination of experiment results globally to assert EU-US leadership and expand the use of privacy and trust enhancing technologies
● Knowledge-transfer related to data marketplaces and farm IoT devices
● Mapping existing data standards to enable seamless cross-continent data exchanges.

This EU-US partnership will result in the development of new ways of incentivising data capture using a decentralised data marketplace and a business model to ensure sustainability of the cross-Atlantic collaboration. The project aims to bring beyond-state-of-the-art privacy enabling technologies and contribute to the development of a more fair and inclusive data economy to EU and US agrifood supply chains.

This impact is addressed mostly by dissemination activities taking place in the last two months.

Impact 2: Reinforced collaboration and increased synergies between the Next Generation Internet and the Tomorrow's Internet programmes.

The FDM project involves partners that are bridging two Innovative environments, SF-based Kakaxi and EU-based Trace Labs. What has already been observed with closer collaboration between the partners is that much more awareness can be built by exchanging know-how of different opportunities in respective continents, allowing even greater convergence of activities between different programmes and achieving higher impacts because of it.

Impact 3: Developing interoperable solutions and joint demonstrators, contributions to standards.

The FDM project is putting great importance on interoperability, especially with the utilisation of OriginTrail Decentralised Network that supports all major supply chain and DID data standards, including GS1 EPCIS (and the upcoming EPCIS 2.0), GS1 CBV, W3C VC, W3C PROV and W3C WoT. Such an approach decreases the vendor lock-in potential and provides greater portability of data for all stakeholders.

The impact has been addressed by aligning both solutions as well as adopting the aforementioned open data standards as the basis for exchanging data.

Impact 4: An EU - US ecosystem of top researchers, hi-tech start-ups / SMEs and Internet-related communities collaborating on the evolution of the Internet

This EU-US partnership started already during the NGI LEDGER program. The track record of taking part in an NGI initiative already brought a significant level of convergence between both partners and will significantly progress during the NGI Atlantic programme, especially in topics of privacy and trust enhancing technology development and decentralised data exchange.

Results :

This EU-US collaboration will surely lead to the development of new methods of incentivising data capture with the use of a decentralised data marketplace and a business model to ensure sustainability of the cross-Atlantic collaboration. We intend to bring beyond-state-of-the-art privacy enabling innovative technologies and also contribute to the development of a more fair and inclusive data economy to EU and US agrifood supply chains.

With the identified interest in the deployment of the joint solution, we are positive that multiple positive outcomes can be expected by the end of the project. Our key focus KPIs are in the table below: 






Number of different food supply chains in experiments



Total number of Kakaxi devices deployed in experiments



Number of supply chain experiments reaching financial sustainability



Registered new business requests



Showcase webinar participants


Future Plan :

The project will focus on the following domains:

  • Proliferation of privacy and trust enhancing technologies
  • Dissemination of experiment results globally to assert EU-US leadership and expand the use of privacy and trust enhancing technologies
  • Knowledge-transfer related to data marketplaces and farm IoT devices
  • Mapping existing data standards to enable seamless cross-continent data exchanges.

NGI related Topic :

Privacy and Trust enhancing technologies

Call Reference :


The 30-months project will push the Next Generation Internet a step further by providing cascade funding to EU-based researchers and innovators in carrying out Next Generation Internet related experiments in collaboration with US research teams.

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