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The project has ended in February 2023. For the follow-up initiative, visit NGI Transoceanic.

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EU and US strengthen cooperation on artificial intelligence and computing to address global challenges

In April 2022, the European Union, the United States and several international partners proposed a Declaration for the Future of the Internet, supporting a trusted, open, free, global, interoperable, realiable and secure internet for the protection and respect of human rights across the digital world.

The partners in the Declaration share the belief that the Internet should operate as a single, decentralised "network of networks", discarding unfair discrimination and promoting connectivity, democracy, peace, the rule of law and sustainable development.

Building upon the principles expressed in the Declaration for the Future of the Internet, on 27 January 2023, the US Department of State and the EU Directorate-General DG CONNECT have signed an "Administrative Arrangement on Artificial Intelligence for the Public Good" in a virtual ceremony, which will be implemented by relevant US and EU institutions and agencies working in this area.

Increased collaboration on research will help identify and further develop promising AI research results that have the potential for broad societal benefits in areas ranging from climate change, natural disasters, health and medicine, electric grid optimisation to agriculture.

The 30-months project will push the Next Generation Internet a step further by providing cascade funding to EU-based researchers and innovators in carrying out Next Generation Internet related experiments in collaboration with US research teams.

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