Main contact
Dr Levent Gürgen
Organisation: Kentyou
Organisation Type: SME
Address: 93 Cours Berriat, 38000 Grenoble
Country: France
Field(s) of expertise / NGI Topic:
- AI
NGI focus areas for experiments:
- Decentralised data governance
- Discovery and identification technologies
- Service and data portability
- Open Internet architecture renovation
- Experimental Platforms (e.g. Smart cities, smart transport, Smart agriculture, etc.)
Your NGI-related portfolio: We have an IoT platform and associated tools aiming at enabling open innovation in different domains in particular for smart cities, smart living, smart agriculture and smart mobility. It is based on the Eclipse sensiNact platform (https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.sensinact), which is an open source project in the Eclipse Foundation, developed mainly by CEA, one of the major research institutions in Europe, and funded by several European H2020 projects. The platform addresses various technical challlenges that are cross-domain such as interoperability, dynamicity, scalability and reliable application development. It provides tools to rapidly build interoperability bridges accross different standards and protocols, distributed data processing and rapid application development. sensiNact activities have recently spinned off from CEA into a new start-up company, Kentyou, which will commercially exploit the platform with an open-core model. The core of the platform, associated tools and a set of protocol bridges will be provided as open source, while Kentyou will commercialise value-added services on top of the platform, build specific bridges, provided enforced security and enhanced data analysis/visualisation tools. Large-scale experimentations involving various stakeholders including end-users are very important to assess the platform and tools in close to real-life conditions. We are also the leading partner of the Urban Technology Alliance (www.urbantechnologyalliance.org) , which is an international testbed oriented alliance on smart cities, involving cities from Europe and Asia in particular, such as Santander, Grenoble, Taipei, Busan, Sejong, Fujisawa, Tsukuba, Saitama, Vancouver, etc. We are looking for extending our network to North America.