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The project has ended in February 2023. For the follow-up initiative, visit NGI Transoceanic.

Tracking Exposed

Project Coordinator (EU) :

Tracking Exposed

Country of the EU Coordinator :


Organisation Type :

Non-profit Organisation

Starting date :

The TikTok Observatory: Interconnecting Junkipedia and Tracking Exposed's monitoring infrastructures

Experimental Platform interconnections

This project aims to integrate the monitoring infrastructure developed by Tracking Exposed and Junkipedia to monitor the Tiktok recommendation algorithm. This new combined experimental pipeline will be used to establish if the recommender system differs across mobile and web applications.

When analysing social media platforms, their proprietary recommendation solutions are considered to be “black boxes”. The complexity and opacity of those algorithms requires to make an empirical comparison between the suggested contents on the Tiktok Web interface and its Mobile application, in order to answer our main research question.


Project Coordinator (EU) :


Country of the EU Coordinator :


Organisation Type :


Starting date :

FedIntersect: EU-US federated testbed for cross-atlantic experiments for urban smart intersections Experiment

Experimental Platform interconnections

The project aims at building an experimentation framework to test smart intersection applications on top of a federated testbed composed of Smart Santander city scale testbed and Columbia University’s COSMOS testbed in Manhattan, NYC. The testbed captures data from cameras at intersections, process them to identify vehicles and pedestrians and perform predictive analysis for traffic flow and detect dangerous situations. The information will be made available to application developers via common APIs and data models.


Project Coordinator (EU) :

Danaides/Sciences PO Tolouse

Country of the EU Coordinator :


Organisation Type :

Non-profit Organisation

Starting date :

Responsibility to protect population through peer governance and trusted community (P2PR2P)

Privacy and Trust enhancing technologies

Peer-to-Peer Responsibility to Protect (P2PR2P) is a software developed by Danaides, which provides a peer-to-peer (P2P) platform based on integrity that allows for responsible and accountable common-pool-resources governance for humanitarian and human rights collective action. P2PR2P features are validated by the GENI and FABRIC proving grounds to keep security and privacy and decentralized data governance. This system has an impact on four different field: data protection and ownership through privacy features; system accountability and impact evaluation by means of audit trail implying DLT technology; thanks to the use of gamification P2P technology helps trust and autonomy; user-driven KPI.

CacheCash Experiment on EdgeNet

Project Coordinator (EU) :

Sorbonne University

Country of the EU Coordinator :


Organisation Type :


Starting date :

CacheCash Experiment on EdgeNet

Discovery and identification technologies

CacheCash, the CDN technology that we were testing, and which is developed by our US partner at NYU, has the potential to change the nature of CDNs by involving the end-users themselves directly in serving content through machines that are under their control. It provides a service where interested users run caches and are incentivized to participate by receiving a cryptocurrency in exchange for serving content.

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The 30-months project will push the Next Generation Internet a step further by providing cascade funding to EU-based researchers and innovators in carrying out Next Generation Internet related experiments in collaboration with US research teams.

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